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RoQME Plugins for the SmartMDSD Toolchain

The RoQME Toolchain enables the modeling (at design-time) of QoS metrics defined on system-level non-functional properties (e.g., safety, performance, reliability, etc.) and their estimation (at runtime) based on the contextual information then available.

Authors Cristina Vicente-Chicote, Universidad de Extremadura (Spain)
Pablo García-Ojeda, Universidad de Extremadura (Spain)
Daniel García-Pérez, Universidad de Extremadura (Spain)
Jesús Martínez, Universidad de Málaga (Spain)
Adrián Romero-Garcés, Universidad de Málaga (Spain)
Juan F. Inglés-Romero, Biometric Vox, S.L. (Spain)
License GNU General Public License, version 3.0 or later (GPLv3+)
Screenshot taken from the video entitled “Dealing with Metrics on Non-Functional Properties in RobMoSys”, available at:


The RoQME Toolchain aims at allowing RobMoSys Domain Experts, QoS Engineers and System Builders to deal, both at design-time and at runtime, with system-level non-functional properties such as safety, performance, reliability, accuracy, etc. At design-time, Domain Experts and QoS Engineers can respectively model domain- and application-specific QoS metrics defined on non-functional properties relevant for their particular domain or application. It is worth noting that domain-specific RoQME models are designed for reuse, i.e., they can be imported and reused in as many application-specific RoQME models as needed.

The RoQME Toolchain also supports the generation of QoS Metrics Providers (component models conforming-to the RobMoSys structures) out of the application-specific RoQME models defined by QoS Engineers. The resulting component models can be seamlessly integrated into any RobMoSys architecture, and connected by the System Builder to any other component willing to use the QoS metrics computed at runtime. Finally, the RoQME Toolchain also generates an application-specific visualization tool that displays the evolution of both the context data and the QoS metrics computed out of them, according to the specifications gathered in the source RoQME model.

Documentation and Download

The RoQME Tool Chain is now publically available in GitHub at:

RoQME is released as a free and open source Eclipse plug-in for the SmartMDSD Tool Chain. Instructions on how to intall and use RoQME can be found in the /docs folder. Additionally, two videos illustrating how to install the required software and how to create and compile a RoQME project are also available in the RoQME YouTube channel at: and, respectively.

Additional material related with the technical demonstration realized by the RoQME team and the Ulm University of Applied Sciences, illustrating the methods and tools provided by RoQME in the context of the RobMoSys intralogistics use-case/pilot scenario can be found at:


  • Support for Domain Experts (Tier 2):
    • A textual model editor enabling the creation and validation of domain-specific RoQME models, i.e., models gathering QoS metrics that can be reused in the context of particular application domains (e.g., intralogistics, healthcare, household, etc.) or for particular types of robots (e.g., wheeled, legged, UGV/UMV/UAV, etc.).
  • Support for QoS Experts (Tier 3):
    • A textual model editor enabling the creation and validation of application-specific RoQME models. These models may eventually import the RoQME models defined by Domain Experts at Tier 2.
  • Support for System Builders (Tier 3):
    • A model transformation enabling the generation of QoS Metrics Providers (component models conforming-to the RobMoSys structures) out of the RoQME models defined by QoS Engineers. The resulting component models can be seamlessly integrated into a RobMoSys architecture and connected to any component willing to use the computed metrics.
  • Run-Time support:
    • Tool enabling the visualization of the QoS metrics computed at runtime.

Relation to other RobMoSys Tools

The RoQME Toolchain, delivered as an Eclipse plug-in, is intended to be used with SmartMDSD.

Further Resources

baseline:environment_tools:roqme-plugins · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:54